<aside> 💡 Archisinal's Ambassador Program is a structured, tier-based initiative designed to empower community leaders to promote the platform, engage with the public and contribute to its growth, while earning rewards and influencing its development.


🧭 Mission

To cultivate a vibrant, informed and engaged Archisinal community by empowering ambassadors with the tools and incentives to promote our platform, foster meaningful interaction and provide valuable feedback, driving collective success and innovation.

🔍 Vision

Our vision is to build a globally influential network of Archisinal ambassadors who are passionately involved in the platform's growth, connected through shared goals and instrumental in shaping the future of the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry through blockchain technology.

➡️ Become a Community Ambassador

Sign up for the Archisinal Ambassador program on Airlyft.

⛵️Becoming an Ambassador

Join the Archisinal Ambassador Program today and become a pivotal part of revolutionising the AEC industry with blockchain. Elevate your career and help shape the future while earning rewards and exclusive opportunities.


Tier 1: Global Ambassadors 🧑‍🎓

Roles and Responsibilities:


Tier 2: Senior Ambassadors 🏄

Roles and Responsibilities:


Tier 3: Ambassadors 🏅

Roles and Responsibilities:


🪜Levelling up and progression

Progression through the Archisinal ambassador tiers is a structured journey designed to recognise and reward the contributions of our community's most active and influential members. Ambassadors are provided with a clear set of tasks and goals, accessible through a personalised dashboard. Moving to the next tier is as simple as completing the tasks on your dashboard! A discord channel is available to all ambassadors for any questions.

✂️ Questions?

Tweet us! @archisinal